School Council

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The AVPS School Council is an advisory body made up of parent volunteers who work together with the principal and a teacher representative to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents.  This may include promoting open debate on issues, or supporting and helping to fund school programs and events (e.g. literacy, revitalizing the schoolyard, pizza and milk programs, the Welcome Back BBQ, and Book and Spring Fairs).

School Council’s Role is to:

      • Provide input and advice to the principal and School Board on how to improve school and student performance;
      • Support parental engagement; and
      • Serve as a bridge between the parent community and school administration.

Alta Vista School Council also helps to enhance the curriculum by providing support and funding to programs not funded through the School Board.

Parental Involvement

Parental involvement with School Council is essential for ensuring that AVPS remains a vibrant and enriching environment for our children.  Involvement in Council may mean simply attending the monthly meetings, joining one of the Council committees, or helping with one of the many Council-sponsored events or fundraising activities.


Parents who would like to become School Council members can nominate themselves prior to the first annual meeting of Council, which is usually held within the first 30 days of the new school year. Parent members are elected at the meeting by the parents present. Terms are for one year, although members may seek additional terms of office.

More on School Councils

School Councils are created under the Ontario Education Act as advisory bodies to improve student performance and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. Every school must have a council. AVSC is looking for a community representative. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact us at: [email protected].

Click here to go to the most current School Council Website.

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